
Management Commitment.

The company management, as principal responsible for the quality management system, assumes the responsibility to develop, implement and improve all the necessary aspects which lead to a major efficiency of the processes and services carried out by the company with impact on the customer´s satisfaction.

Quality Policy.

The ACCEVAL management, being aware of the transcendental importance of the final quality process and services concerning the products of its clients, acquires the commitment to establish a quality management system for its activities. This system does not only guarantee the fulfillment of the legally applicable standards and directives, but also facilitates the internal and external search towards a continuous improvement.

For this purpose, the following principles based on the company´s quality policy, are established.

  • INTEGRATE the quality management as one of the fundamental elements into the company’s growth and development policy, bearing in mind the strategic organizational criteria in the definition of processes, planification and decision making.
  • IMPLEMENT management systems which facilitate the search of improving mechanisms by increasing the competitiveness of its products on the market and complying with the applicable legislation and regulation, as well as other requirements subscribed by our organization.
  • RATIONALLY USE the resources in order to achieve the full customer´s satisfaction, avoiding negative environmental impacts and allowing a sustainable development.
  • OPTIMIZE the control activities and actions, improve the processes follow-up with the objective to achieve and maintain the leadership concerning the company´s quality products and services.
  • ENSURE sound protection measurement undertaking against defect incidences or non-compliances regarding products and services.
  • PROMOTE suitable quality training and awareness for regular employees and collaborators.
  • MAINTAIN a close relationship with institutions, associations and other parties related with quality management.
  • ACHIEVE the objectives and actions derived from the implementation of this quality management policy.
  • PURSUE the achievement of the planned outcomes through the implementation of a quality audit program